Let us remind you that there is no life-guard around our swimming pool and that it is open without any time limitation. Its cleanliness is secured by means of a “robot creepy crawler”. You can take your moonlight swims without worries – we only beg you not to remove the robot – should it be taken out of the water it would cause irremediable damage.
(The reality of the scene at the apartment-complex swimming pool late at night was regrettably somewhat less strange than that summoned above.)
“I could hear human activity outside and I hoped I could be part of it again some time but I knew I wasn’t ready…”
Michael Clark interview, at The Guardian.
Been listening to The Slits album Cut again after, er, something of a pause. I wasn’t doing the maths but it’s apparently 30 years since it was recorded. Sounds very fresh. Somehow came across a link to the bands 1978 Peel Sessions put up for download by someone.
Meanwhile, just so it’s not all old music around here I’m putting in a word for, DOOM’s most recent Born Like This, esp the tracks That’s That and Gazzillion Ear both of which I’ve been playing often since Berlin. Pure crazed delight in language, breathtaking, robust and playful, genius.