"There are things that you just don't want to see," a policeman at the house said. "The fewer pictures you have in your head, the better."
The weird awful abuse and incarceration shit in Austria continues to produce strange scenes – incomprehensible fragments from the meeting between one world and another.
[Chief inspector of the regional police in Lower Austria] Leopold Etz said that when they emerged from their cellar on Saturday night the boys thought they were in heaven, having always been told by their mother, Elisabeth, "heaven is 'up there'."
On seeing his first cow in a field, Felix was said to have produced squeals of delight and clapped his hands with joy. He and Stefan also nudged each other and whispered with joy at seeing the moon.
"The sun fascinated [Felix] even more than the moon," Etz said.
The police inspector added that the five-year-old boy had put his hand in front of his eyes and then taken it away again, as if not able to believe what he saw.
"When the sunbeams struck his face, he squealed loudly," Etz said.
At one point, when Felix and his mother waited to be transferred by car, he "found it so strange that he clung to his mother in panic as the door opened, as if he was fearful of what would come out of it"
More in The Guardian here.